NWWC - Conférence

Assistez à notre conférence au congrès NWWC, mercredi, le 15 novembre à 9h30 au Sheraton Fallsview, Niagara Falls, ON
Présentée par Myriam De Ladurantaye-Noël, ingénieure procédés


Biostyr DUO: Smaller but mightier for efficient wastewater management


Biological Aerated Filtration (BAF) delivers high quality effluent in a compact footprint. The Veolia’s Biostyr™ process uses a floating bed of polystyrene beads to support biofilm growth. Over the years, studies have been conducted to push the Biostyr performances. In collaboration with municipalities in Ontario, piloting and then full-scale validation has been conducted on the newest version of the Biostyr, the Biostyr DUO. The Biostyr DUO main feature is the increase of the pollutant loading to the BAF system resulting in a smaller footprint. It is possible by incorporating MBBR media below the floating bed, thus providing additional protected surfaces for the biomass to grow on. This modification to the biofilter also allows carbon removal in the MBBR portion; this results in the reduction of the bed depth for heterotrophic bacteria development which simplifies backwashing and filter clogging management. The testing on the technology highlighted the added value to this innovation. The proposed presentation will describe the Biostyr DUO technology as well as presenting some full scale Biostyr DUO installations across North Americas and Europe, including the first in Canada.
