We apply our expertise in water treatment technologies to detect and reduce all forms of water pollution from industrial wastewater treatment and drinking water to soil pollution. By focusing on technology development we help our customers safely treat their water and wastewater sources in line with stricken environmental regulations.

Marine pollution occurs when human-created products such as industrial waste and sewage enter our waterways. A prime example is Hamilton Harbour and an area known as Randle Reef. Owing to its heavy industrial past, it became the largest contaminated sediment site on the Canadian side of the Great Lakes. Many improvements had been made to reduce pollution but the site contained approximately 695,000 cubic meters of sediment contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other toxic chemicals. A three-stage remediation project began. During Stage 2, our experts help decontaminate the contaminated water. On average, the process reduced the concentration of suspended solids by 90%, selenium by 55%, lead by 99.5% and PAHs by over 85%.