Veolia Groundwater Remediation removes pollutants and/or converts them into harmless byproducts.
Our softening pretreatment technologies are designed to ensure high performance while providing lowest life cyle costs. While our drinking water pretreatment technologies remove organics, nitrate, and turbidity to guarantee a clean water supply.
PFAS are a class of anthropogenic chemicals containing fluorinated carbons with a charged functional group (usually carboxylic acid or sulfonic acid) that is extremely resistant to degradation.
Veolia offers a wide range of PFAS treatment and management services for the following:
- Groundwater
- Surface Water
- Wastewater
- Biosolids
- Landfill Leachate
- Industrial Discharges
Veolia offers a range of customized solutions based on individual water source demands. Bench scale and/or pilot testing can be done in order to determine a treatment configuration best suited for the type and concentration of PFAS, the presence of other contaminants and organics in the source water, and the desired quality of the treated water.
Available solutions include advanced oxidation, biological treatment with MBBR or MBR, clarification and filtration are offered as PFAS pretreatment options.
The Pellet Softening solution allows a significant reduction of impacts on downstream on-site or centralized wastewater treatment. Reducing the number of individual, point-of-use softening devices will reduce the chloride loading on wastewater treatment systems.
Total hardness reduction and alkalinity reduction for water quality improvement combining both clarification and a manageable softening process to achieve optimal water treatment.

ACTIFLO® Softening process combines chemical precipitation (lime softening) and ballasted clarification for efficient ground/surface water softening. This high rate softening process aids in hardness and alkalinity reduction for water quality improvement. This manageable softening process is a proven technology for total hardness reduction (calcium hardness and magnesium hardness), silica removal, metals removal, and decarbonation.
Actina™ is a pellet reactor process tailored to municipal drinking water softening. By producing a reusable calcium carbonate pellet as waste instead of difficult to dewater lime sludge or membrane brine, significant waste handling cost savings can be achieved. Reducing calcium hardness allows Actina™ to enhance the asset management of their distribution network while preventing negative impacts on the end users. This solution also allows a significant reduction of impacts on downstream on-site or centralized wastewater treatment. Reducing the number of individual, point-of-use softening devices will reduce the chloride loading on wastewater treatment systems
Combustion is emerging as a leading candidate for the decomposition of PFAS. BioCon™ ERS (Energy Recovery System) combines the benefits of thermal drying with thermal oxidation to safely and economically reduce waste volume as well as oxidize contaminants including many PFAS compounds. BioCon™ ERS combusts sludge between 1,400°F and 1,800°F.
The Filtraflo Carb process for PFAS Treatment ranging from 10 to 400 gmp, consists of transferring raw water in a reactor, containing the filtering activated carbon bed and using an upflow stream. The water circulates upward at a speed which does not allow the bed fluidization but causes the activated carbon to gradually migrate towards the bottom of the reactor.
Hydrex™ Ion Exchange Resin and GAC is NSF approved and offers various types of PFAS treatment for specific applications such as surface water, groundwater and industrial sources. Veolia can also provide media replacement and disposal services.
IONSOFT™ Ion Exchange provides high-quality softened water for industrial and commercial PFAS treatment ranging from 1 to 350 gpm. and can be used with GAC or Ion Exchange media. Veolia provides vessel change out services with media disposal.
SIRION™ Reverse Osmosis systems produce high-purity water, removing up to 99% of dissolved inorganics and over 99% of large dissolved organics, colloids and particles. Product treatment range from 2 to 600 gpm.

How to remove hardness and alkalinity from your groundwater?
A pilot study was conducted to demonstrate the ACTIFLO® Softening process in the removal of total hardness and alkalinity from the Okeechobee plant’s ground water source.
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The information contained in this statement is based on the Veolia group's understanding and know-how of the scientific and technical fields discussed herein as of the time of publication. Statements that may be interpreted as predictive of future outcomes or performance should not be considered guarantees of such, but rather reasoned assessments of the possible evolution of the technologies described.
As this document is based on the state of the Veolia group's scientific, technical, and regulatory knowledge at the time of its publication, the completeness and accuracy of the information contained herein cannot be guaranteed.
Descriptions contained herein apply exclusively to those examples and/or to the general situations specifically referenced, and in no event should be considered to apply to specific scenarios without prior review and validation.