Veolia's biosolids treatment processes and technologies focus on performance enhancement, renewable energy, beneficial reuse, and treatment of PFAS compounds.
We are committed to providing innovative solutions with proven value-added performance, offering a comprehensive solution for every part of the biosolids management process in order to be flexible to individual needs, or to outfit the entire process for a program or department within a municipality.
Our biosolids management technologies transform vital resources into clean water, clean energy, and valuable end products, thereby empowering utility owners to develop their own regional circular economies.
Reduction in disposal waste
Recovery of valuable byproducts including:
- Biosolids as alternate for fertilizer
- Nutrients (sulfur, phosphorus)
- Energy (biogas, electricity, heat)
- Water (for reuse)
New revenue stream for facility from:
- Accepting waste from Municipality
- Stabilized biosolids as alternate for fertilizer
- Nutrients recovered during the biosolids management process
Renewable bioenergy and electricity generation from biosolids
Veolia has adopted the risk-based approach to the selection, development and operation of water treatment technologies deployed for PFAS contamination treatment. We have applied considerable resources to develop a risk management framework that drives the selection and application practices of our treatment processes.
Veolia Water Technologies recovers and recycles your biomass and biowaste in order to extract the most added value from it.
We offer effective treatment solutions, including municipal biosolids management, that focus on waste collection, performance enhancement, renewable energy, beneficial reuse, and optimization.
Recovering phosphorus contained in wastewater leads to a reduction in the production of sludge and the production of sludge with a reduced phosphorus content. This aids in the protection of local ecosystems as too much phosphorus can harm water quality.
BioCon™ dryer is a dual-belt convective air dryer designed to be one of the safest on the market. Low operating temperatures allow the process to utilize a variety of waste heat sources, such as the easily added BioCon Energy Recovery System (ERS), or BEES BioCon Energy Exchange System.
BioCon™ ERS (Energy Recovery System) can be used for the decomposition of PFAS in Biosolids. PFAS (Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) are a class of anthropogenic chemicals containing fluorinated carbons with a charged functional group (usually carboxylic acid or sulfonic acid) that is extremely resistant to degradation.
By diverting more organic material to the anaerobic digester, Ecrusor™ is a key tool to increase a plant's biogas and energy production capacity. Ecrusor helps turn waste facilities into resource recovery facilities by converting more waste into energy in a circular economy approach to waste treatment.

BioCon™: Reducing 1,300 Miles of Biosolids Hauling Risks
CBJ faced uncertainty over environmental regulations and acceptance by the landfills and haulers, had historical complaints of odors from neighbors near the Capital Disposal landfill in Juneau, leaking shipping containers, annual hauling costs, and continued exposure to fuel price volatility risks. Veolia’s BioCon™ medium temperature belt dryer was selected and meets CBJ’s four guiding principles for selection.

Hermitage Municipal Authority undertook a major upgrade of its solids handling facility to increase treatment capacity and to boost biogas generation.

Upgrading the Picnic Point Wastewater Facility with Veolia's BioCon biosolids dryer has reduced the amount of biosolids to be disposed of as well as producing a Class A biosolid.
Effective Phosphorus Removal & Sludge Drying
Hydrotech Discfilters provide effluent polishing, phosphorus removal, and wastewater reclamation while the BioCon provides sludge drying at the Western Wake Regional Water Reclamation Facility in Durham, NC.

BioCon Dryer and ERS systems allow for a small footprint that contains odors and meets the Class A requirements while also saving the plant 70-80% of the required thermal energy that leads to a smaller carbon footprint.
Municipal On-Demand Webinars
Municipal Articles and Publications
Featured Technologies
The information contained in this statement is based on the Veolia group's understanding and know-how of the scientific and technical fields discussed herein as of the time of publication. Statements that may be interpreted as predictive of future outcomes or performance should not be considered guarantees of such, but rather reasoned assessments of the possible evolution of the technologies described.
As this document is based on the state of the Veolia group's scientific, technical, and regulatory knowledge at the time of its publication, the completeness and accuracy of the information contained herein cannot be guaranteed.
Descriptions contained herein apply exclusively to those examples and/or to the general situations specifically referenced, and in no event should be considered to apply to specific scenarios without prior review and validation.