Hydrotech Primary Filtration for Carbon Redirection
Design Proposal Form
Hydrotech's small footprint is only a fraction of the space needed for traditional primary treatment. Hydrotech primary treatment can serve as a vital resource recovery tool for carbon redirection and bio-methane production in anaerobic digestion. Hydrotech filters are easy to operate as a dual use filter, providing wet weather treatment while also being available for routine use for effluent polishing.
In addition, Hydrotech filters offer great flexibility for control of loading (BOD, COD and TP) to downstream biological treatment processes. As a result of the excellent capability for organic and phosphorus removal, Hydrotech filters can be applied in process configurations where subsequent biological treatment may not be required, such as auxilliary treatment of stormwater.
- Compact (up to 90% less than conventional)
- TSS reduction ~50% up to 95% depending on design (with or w/o chemical addition)
- Lower energy costs due to reduced load on secondary treatment
- Increased solids capture for energy recovery
- Flexibility to control organic load to biological treatment
- Phosphorus removal capability
- Easy to install, operate, and maintain -> user friendly!
- Covered for reduced odor
- Can be used for a variety of applications (primary filtration, wet weather filtration, CSO treatment, SSO treatment, etc.)

Veolia's Hydrotech Filtration Systems lead the market with proven experience of over 10,000 units sold worldwide.
Hydrotech filters are ideal for tertiary filtration, primary treatment, phosphorus removal, and for existing filter replacement such as traveling bridge filter retrofit projects.

Veolia's biosolids treatment technologies focus on performance enhancement, renewable energy, beneficial reuse, and removal of PFAS compounds.
We are committed to providing innovative solutions with proven value-added performance, offering a comprehensive solution for every part of the biosolids process in order to be flexible to individual needs or to outfit the entire process.

Wayne Emery
Regional Sales Manager - Northeast (US)
Clarification & Filtration

Andy Szekeress
Regional Sales Manager - Central (US)
Clarification & Filtration

Marc Lariviere
VP of Business Development - (Canada)
Municipal Solutions