Veolia's Hydrotech Filtration Systems lead the market with proven experience of over 10,000 units sold worldwide.
Hydrotech filters are ideal for tertiary filtration, primary treatment, phosphorus removal, and for existing filter replacement such as traveling bridge filter retrofit projects.
Hydrotech Discfilter provides filtration in a small footprint. By employing woven cloth filter media installed on multiple discs, and utilizing an inside-out flow pattern, this versatile filter is appropriate for a variety of applications including tertiary wastewater filtration, effluent polishing, wastewater reuse and reclamation, Phosphorus removal, membrane pre-treatment, and stormwater treatment.
Hydrotech Drumfilter provides an effective filtration system for lower flows or higher solids loading conditions. The drumfilter employs woven cloth filter media installed on the periphery of the drum, and utilizes an inside-out flow pattern. This solution is ideal for effluent polishing and phosphorus removal at small plants. It is also highly effective for primary treatment or wet weather filtration.
Hydrotech Primary Filtration provides several advantages compared with conventional primary treatment and can also serve as a vital resource recovery tool for carbon redirection and bio-methane production in anaerobic digestion. Hydrotech can operate as a dual use filter, providing CSO treatment or SSO treatment while also being available for routine use for effluent polishing.
The Dusenflo® gravity filter offers a unique, economical, adaptable and highly effective potable water filtration system that will provide consistent high quality, crystal clear potable water.
From basic manual controls to the most sophisticated programmable logic controllers, Veolia provides the appropriate controls for your system.
Design Proposal Forms

The Medford Wastewater Treatment Plant sand filters were nearing the end of their useful life and presented many operational and maintenance challenges. In addition, the facility faces the need to achieve an effluent Total Phosphorus of <0.075 mg/L by 2024. The facility treatment system would require an upgrade to the Hydrotech Discfilter system in order to meet this limitation.

The City of Camas, WA WWTP was faced with replacing their existing pile cloth media disk filters in the same footprint with an option that is easier to clean and maintain.

Wayne Emery
Regional Sales Manager - Northeast (US)
Clarification & Filtration

Andy Szekeress
Regional Sales Manager - Central (US)
Clarification & Filtration

Brian Fischer
Regional Sales Manager - West (US)
Clarification & Filtration

Marc Lariviere
VP of Business Development - (Canada)
Municipal Solutions