Whittier™ Filtration & Separation

Whittier Filtration

Veolia Water Technologies combines innovative technology with industry experience to provide economical and effective filtration and separation technologies. Our wide range of technological solutions is supported by a dedicated staff with an unmatched reputation for the highest quality of customer service.

Whittier Filtration & Separation solutions are engineered to meet or exceed our customers’ standards. Our customer’s satisfaction is our top priority. Our ISO 9001:2015 quality management system ensures that we maintain our unmatched reputation of managing successful contracts that consistently meet timely completion, performance and compliance to the highest industry standards.

With an unrivaled reference list and a proven track record of delivering cost-effective technologies including water purification, wastewater treatment and reuse, plus outsourced water management options, we have the capabilities to provide full service in-house engineering from feasibility validation with pilot-scale units to full-scale design and fabrication of skid-mounted treatment solutions and turnkey systems that meet the most stringent effluent quality needs of industries and applications around the world.

Our Whittier product line includes innovative technologies for:

  • Filtration
  • Degasification
  • Oil-Water Separation
  • Ion Exchange
  • Liquid-Liquid Extraction

Industrial Markets Include:

  • Oil & Gas
  • Mining
  • Chemical Processing
  • Food & Beverage
  • General Manufacturing
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Looking for spare parts or aftermarket services?


Auto-Jet®Pressure Leaf Filter

Auto-Jet® is the premium self-cleaning leaf filter designed for efficient filtration in the most severe applications. Due to a superior, patented sluicing design, Auto-Jet maintains its full-rated capacity even where heavy, sticky or unusually tenacious cake is encountered. Its uniform leaf construction enables leaf interchangeability and provides uniform precoating, filtration and cake build-up. Available in wet or dry cake models, our standard sizes range from 50 to 2000 ft2 for a variety of applications including sanitary design.


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Filtra-Matic®Pressure Leaf Filter

Filtra-Matic® is a versatile pressure leaf filter designed to provide operating efficiency and easy maintenance for high-volume applications or where a dry cake discharge is desired. This filter is offered in two basic models: Filtra-Matic® RT with its unique retracting tank and Filtra-Matic® RB featuring a retracting bundle design. An automatic wet sluice cleaning cycle scrubs the leaf surfaces and assists in cake removal. Dry cake can be achieved with gas or steam injection into the air inlet.


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ToroJet™ Nutshell Filter

Inside view of a Torojet unit

Veolia’s innovative nutshell filter technology, ToroJet™, shares a media cleaning system at grade level to eliminate backwash equipment for individual filters reducing capital expenses and maximizing asset utilization. This innovative design enables plant operators to fluidize and clean nutshell media with lower operational expenses, minimal media losses, and improved safety and accessibility for maintenance.

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Power Clean®Nutshell Filter

Powerclean tanks  for removal of suspended solids and hydrocarbons

Power Clean® nutshell filters are unparalleled in removing free oil and suspended solids from water. Ideal for produced water or a variety of other industrial applications, Power Clean filters reclaim more oil than conventional techniques. In this automated system, the media is cleaned in only 12 minutes with only 5% media loss per year, making Power Clean an efficient, cost-effective process for managing oily water.


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L’eau Claire Upflow Filter

L’eau Claire upflow deep bed media filters provide a ready clarification solution. Its installed cost is less than that of a conventional sedimentation basin and filter system, requiring 75% less space. Total automation and minimal levels of chemical feed hold operating costs to a minimum. L’eau Claire delivers water with a total suspended solids content that is virtually independent of influent concentrations. This cost-effective process does not use clarifiers, flocculation, sedimentation or mixers.


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Auto-Shok® Candle Filter

Auto-Shok® is a classical tubular filter, ideal where a high flow rate per unit of filter area is required. Tubes are mounted vertically, attaching to a tube sheet at the top of the tank. Cleaned through a backwash cycle, Auto-Shok is simple, requires fewer valves than other types of filters, and is easily automated to fit the process requirements.


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Auto-Pulse™ Candle Filter

Auto-Pulse™ is designed to accomplish sub-micron filtration without the use of precoats or filter aids, making it possible for product to be recovered from waste streams and returned to the process stream without contamination. These tubular filters can be provided with a variety of membranes to cover the tubes, depending on your application. Backpulse “bump and run” operation ensures efficient filtration, effective cake removal and consistent effluent quality.


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High-Rate Downflow (HRD) Filters

High-Rate Downflow (HRD) sand filters offer high performance filtration even in difficult process applications. The flux rate is typically 5-20 gallons per minute per square foot. These filters utilize a proven distribution design to enable excellent hydraulic coverage during high-rate operation. The high velocity can drive the solids deeper into the media bed and achieve higher solids loading and extended run cycles. Typical media types are silica sand, garnet and anthracite. Air scour blowers and backwash pump systems are provided for proper cleaning of the media.


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Co-Strip™ Degasification Technology

Co-Strip Degasifier

Co-Strip™ is ideal for degasification of water streams with high oil and suspended solids loadings. Unlike conventional packed towers, Co-Strip effectively removes dissolved gases such as BTEX, CO2, and H2S from water without the need for filtration upstream of the degasification operation, saving off-gas treatment costs. In addition to our proprietary product, Veolia offers a variety of packed tower gas strippers, including forced-draft or vacuum degasifiers. Our industry experts will help you determine the most cost-effective product to meet your needs.

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AutoFlot®Induced Gas Flotation (IGF)

AutoFlot® is a horizontal induced gas flotation system designed to effectively remove free and emulsified oil and suspended solids from water. Available in both mechanical and hydraulic designs, each unit consists of a horizontal cylindrical vessel divided into four in-line flotation cells. Each chamber successively removes the oily froth, resulting in greater than 95% oil removal.


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Corrugated Plate Separators (CPI)

Corrugated Plate Separators (CPI) are used for oil/ water separation in a large range of applications. The plate pack is customizable in regard to inclination, plate spacing and material. Typical removal rates for CPI technology range from 50 to >90% of oil and 80 to 90% of total suspended solids (TSS).



This modular system is a closed-circuit solution that treats the quench water for reuse and recycles the waste streams. The modular design enables quick, easy installation with prefabricated modules that are factory assembled and tested prior to shipment. The result is a shorter project schedule, reduced cost, and minimization of risks associated with on-site activities.


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Ion Exchange HD Water Softeners

Veolia’s industrial Ion Exchange HD Water Softeners are engineered and fabricated specifically for demanding high total dissolved solids applications. The IX softeners utilize proven ion exchange technologies, merged with high-quality materials of construction selected to withstand corrosive fluids. Veolia configures a system to fit your needs, whether it be one or more trains of Strong Acid Cation (SAC), Weak Acid Cation (WAC), a combination of both in series, or a multistep process of softening with other water treatment technologies. Our specialties include WAC softeners for produced water treatment, brine softeners, and automated regeneration stations to service your treatment trains.

In addition, Veolia offers condensate polishing solutions and custom demineralizers for feed and process water purification.

MPPE Macro Porous Polymer Extraction

MPPE (Macro Porous Polymer Extraction) is a highly-effective, fully automated, remote-controlled and guaranteed technology for removing hydrocarbons from water by means of liquid-liquid extraction using macro porous polymer beads containing the liquid extractant. MPPE systems remove dissolved and dispersed hydrocarbons with efficiencies of 99.9999%, down to below ppb level, or as specified.


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Veolia's Whittier Filtration technologies can be applied to a variety of specialty applications and markets.

Chlor Alkali

To help Chlor-Alkali producers achieve high-purity, low-leakage concentrated brine prior to electrolysis by membrane technology, Veolia provides filters and ion-exchange softeners specially designed for maximum performance. They are constructed of engineered materials with special surface preparations that achieve hardness levels of less than or equal to 20 ppb as Ca++.


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Merrill-Crowe Process

Veolia’s precoat filtration and vacuum deaeration technologies help gold producers achieve maximum efficiency in their gold recovery operations. By filtering the cyanide leach solution before zinc precipitation, precipitated impurities that could be carried over from the decantation steps are removed. No more than a trace of oxygen is left, minimizing zinc and cyanide consumption.


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Degasification Methods

Before produced water can be reused, recycled, or further treated, a complex mix of undesired dissolved gases and other contaminants must be removed. However, removal of these dissolved gases can be extremely challenging.


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Demineralization & Condensate Polishing

High quality water with ionic impurity concentrations as low as 0.1 ppb is required for a range of industrial applications such as process water and feed water for once-through steam generators or drum boilers.


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Ethylene Quench Water

Veolia's AutoFlot® Induced Gas Flotation and Power Clean® Nutshell Filtration are key components of an effective quench water treatment system for an Ethylene Plant.


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Ion Exchange 

Brine softening and the treatment of solutions with high total dissolved solids (TDS) require ion exchange technology, particularly when hardness reductions to extremely low levels are desired.


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Produced Water

The extraction of oil and gas is intrinsically associated with the co-production of water emerging from the underground formation. When the mixture comes through the well and above ground, it is separated in oil, gas and produced water.


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Veolia's Auto-Jet® precoat filtration technology provides a solution for various food processing applications in the sweetener industry. Our superb aftermarket and service offerings ensure that our filters continue to provide top performance for years after installation.


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