Auto-Jet is Veolia’s premium, self-cleaning leaf filter designed for efficient filtration in the most severe applications.
Auto-Jet performance and reliability is unmatched thanks to a superior, patented sluicing design. This efficient cleaning system ensures thorough rinsing of every square inch of filter surface area even in the presence of heavy, sticky or unusually tenacious cake.
- Deep self-cleaning capability thanks to the combined scrubbing action of powerful water jets and rotating leaves that completely strips the cake away in less than three minutes.
- Auto-Lok closure and sealing system that ensure leak-proof, pressure-tight operations.
- Superior internal leaf design and baffling systems are custom engineered for optimal filtration performance
- Flexible designs and standard sizing options adapted for conical, double conical, or deep V-shaped bottom channel operations ranging from 50 to 2000 ft2 of filtering surface area.
- Easy inspection and service thanks to an engineered sluice manifold that allows for its complete removal without removing filter leaves.

- Deep-cleaning of leaves yields longer filtration cycles, thicker cake and better filtrate quality
- Effective pre-coating procedures with uniform cake distribution on both side of leaves
- Higher flux rates and smaller footprint requirements compared to fixed-leaf designs.
- Low inspection and maintenance requirements thanks to easy access and full automation capabilities.
- Flexibility. Wet of dry cake discharge option using sluice jets or air-dried cake cleaning.
- Wide choice of construction materials including rubber or plastic lined steel, stainless, monel, nickel, Hastalloy™, and other exotic metals.
- Lower capital and operating costs compared to membranes systems likely to foul and fail.
Autojet is designed for reliable filtration performance in the most severe industrial process and wastewater applications. It routinely operates with inlet solids concentrations of up to 200 mg/l while delivering effluents with particles not exceeding 0.5 micron.
Autojet is the filter of choice in many segments of the food and beverage industry such as beer, sugar, gelatin, sweeteners and edible oil production. Autojet is also widely used in the mining industry for the recovery of precious metals in the Merrill-Crowe process.
Key Applications
- Merrill-Crowe Clarification
- Beer and Juice Fine Filtration
- Sugar Syrup Filtration
- Gelatin Filtration
During service cycles, the influent is circulated inside Autojet’s horizontal pressure vessel and filtered by vertically-mounted leaves. As the filtrate flows through the leaves and into the center shaft, the filtrate is recovered out of the vessel. At the completion of the filtration cycle, the filter vessel is drained and the shaft rotated to more effectively clean the leaves.
Next, fixed spray nozzles wash the rotating leaves to prepare them for the next cycle. Alternatively, Autojet features an air-blowing sequence to dry the cake before rotating the leaves against a Teflon blade to dislodge the cake into a trough at the bottom of the vessel. In this operation, an auger conveys the cake out of the vessel before discharge.