Veolia Water Technologies offers a complete line of proprietary standard equipment that serve a wide variety of applications.
Veolia offers standard, pre-engineered products and skid-mounted systems to provide efficient and cost-effective solutions. Because standard products are replicated repeatedly, they benefit from continuous improvement and innovation. This offering is always expanding to meet the growing needs of markets. These technologies are proven worldwide and available in several sizes with standard options for use in a variety of applications and industries.
- Influent Water Treatment
- Process Water Treatment
- Utility Water Treatment
- Wastewater Treatment
- Water Recycle & Reuse
Reverse Osmosis & Ion Exchange
Veolia Water Technologies offers a wide-range of reverse osmosis (RO) and ion exchange systems for a variety of applications to create a realiable source of high quality, high purity water.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems
Veolia manufactures a wide-range of standardized reverse osmosis systems for use in a variety of industrial applications to treat flows ranging from 10 gpm up to 600 gpm. We also offer High-Recovery RO that can produce over 95% permeate to minimize water losses and increase production efficiency.
Our Reverse Osmosis Standard Product Line Includes:
Diverse line of efficient RO systems for a variety of industrial and sanitary uses.
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Purified water treatment systems for the pharmaceutical, healthcare and biotechnology markets.
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Hygenic plug-and-play water treatment for the food & beverage and other related industries.
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Plug & Play integrated RO-CEDI unit for demineralized water production for Power Applications.
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Ion Exchange Systems
Veolia manufactures a complete line of standard ion exchange systems for utility and process applications. We also offer Deionization Services. Click Here to Learn More.
Our Ion Exchange Standard Product Line Includes:
Sodium Zeolite Softeners
Our Sodium Zeolite softeners ranging from 10 gpm up to 600 gpm can be integrated into systems matched to your facility needs. Applications range in size from smaller commercial systems to large industrial boiler feedwater and production process systems.
Dealkalization, Deionization, and Demineralization Technologies
These systems are used for a variety of industrial and commercial applications and can be specified to meet the flow and footprint requirements of your facility.
Whittier™ Ion Exchange HD Water Softeners
Veolia’s industrial Ion Exchange HD Water Softeners are engineered and fabricated specifically for demanding high total dissolved solids applications.
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Filtration Systems
In many utility and process water systems, efficiency and reliability are hampered by the intrusion of suspended or precipitated solids. While chemical treatment temporarily minimizes the impact of these solids, removal using filtration is often the most effective solution.
Sized for small closed-loop water systems to large industrial recirculating and process cooling systems, Veolia’s filtration systems can help you restore both efficiency and reliability to your plant’s water.

Media Filtration
FILTRAFLO™ Sand & Multimedia Filters
A complete range of modular and flexible skid-mounted sand filters and multimedia filters.
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a chemical-free polishing solution involving micrograin activated carbon, that allows by adsorption the removal of the Natural Organic Matter, the pesticides, and a large specter of micro-pollutants in treated water while also filtering it.
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Screen Filtration
A proprietary filtration technology which is excellent for cooling tower side-stream filtration, as well as polishing steps in water clarification and wastewater treatment. Filters utilize a woven media that can remove particles down to 10 μm.
Learn More about Hydrotech Discfiltration
Learn More about Hydrotech Drumfiltration

Whittier® Filtration & Separation Solutions
Veolia Water Technologies also offers several specialty filters for industrial processes, including:
- Degasification
- Oil-Water Separation
- Precoat / Pressure Leaf Filters
- Candle Filters
- Nutshell Filters
- Upflow Deep Bed Media Filters
- High-Rate Downflow Filters
- And other specialty filter applications
Clarification & Flotation
In order to help our customers comply with environmental regulations and effectively manage their capital budget, Veolia offers a complete line of packaged water clarification solutions to treat flow rates from 10 – 1,500 gpm.

Packaged Clarification Systems
ACTIFLO® Pack - High-Rate Clarification
The pre-engineered Actiflo® Pack is a very compact standard package plant for drinking water treatment, municipal wastewater treatment as well as industrial process water and wastewater treatment and reuse. The system works by taking influent water and flocculate it with microsand and polymer.
Learn More about ACTIFLO® Pack
Learn More about ACTIFLO® Pack Mini

Modular Flotation Systems
IDRAFLOT® Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
An innovative and effective solids removal technology based on a unique modular design. IDRAFLOT® is intended to ensure a perfect mixing of the wastewater with saturated water. The unique and innovative modular design allows for uniform distribution of the water flow along the entire surface of the unit.
Biological Wastewater Treatment
In order to help customers with BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) removal, along with nutrient removal, Veolia offers standardized anaerobic and aerobic biological wastewater treatment systems.

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)
A modular wastewater treatment solution based on the AnoxKaldnes® MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) technology that can be used to treat carbon and nitrogen-based pollutants. Configurations include anaerobic, aerobic, or combination configurations. These modular systems can also be installed in series to increase treatment capacity or BOD/COD removal rates.

High-Rate Anaerobic System
Biothane BIOBED® Advanced Packaged EGSB (Expanded Granular Sludge Bed)
This high-rate anaerobic granular sludge system provides cost-effective BOD/COD removal for higher wastewater flows with a very small footprint. Veolia has standardized the design with the purpose of allowing for the delivery of assembled components to the project site so it can easily be configured.
Veolia offers a large range of packaged or modular evaporation technology equipment that can treat very small to extremely large wastewater flows.

EVALED® Evaporators
Highly reliable and effective evaporation technology to reduce wastewater volume and produce a high-quality, reusable distillate. Additionally, EVALED is an effective solution for concentrating and removing salts, heavy metals and a variety of hazardous components, including Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) applications.

HPD MBD™ - Modular Brine Crystallization System Evaporators
The system is based on HPD® Forced Circulation Crystallization technology to treat a variety of waste streams followed by management of waste brines for disposal (as a concentrated or solid waste brine). This “Bulldozer” system is supplied as a modular, skidded system and designed to treat feed from RO reject, ponds, or untreated brines without complex pretreatment.