he demands made on chemical processing companies are numerous. Veolia Water Technologies understands these challenges and has experience in helping organizations achieve their goals in:
- Operational Efficiency
- Product Quality / Yield
- Risk Mitigation
- Water Reuse & Conservation
- Increased Resource Recovery
- Regulatory Compliance
- Sustainability Initiatives
A Creative and Trusted Solutions Provider
Veolia Water Technologies is the trusted leader in water treatment and has successfully executed thousands of projects worldwide. Veolia provides its clients an integrated approach to water management using innovative technologies, equipment, chemistry, and services. Our customer-focused culture combined with comprehensive water management capabilities make Veolia a preferred partner for every aspect of the water cycle at your facility.
Each technical solution we offer is tailored to:
- Maximize water reuse/recycle (including ZLD), minimize waste volumes, and reduced operational costs
- Meet the production requirements of our clients - whether large volume or multi-purpose production, new plant, facility upgrade or production expansion
- Comply with our clients' process effluent characteristics such as hydraulic load, organic/inorganic load, priority substances, toxicity, hazardous/cross-media effects, temperature or pH
- Bioenergy
- Biological Wastewater
- Clarification/Softening
- Evaporation & Crystallization
- Filtration
- Flotation
- Ion Exchange
- Membrane Systems
- Metals Removal
- Nutrient Removal
- Odor Management
- PFAS Removal
- Precoat Filtration
- Process Water
- Reuse & Reclaim
- Sludge/Biosolids
- Utility Water Treatments
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment
- Water Treatment Chemicals
- ZLD Solutions
Veolia is experienced in the design and implementation of standard and customized water treatment technologies for the chemical processing industry.
Water Treatment
- Plant Water Supply (Clarification, Filtration, Softening)
- Boiler Feed Water, Cooling Water (Filtration, Softening, Deionization, Chemical Treatment)
Wastewater Treatment
- Physical / Chemical Treatment
- Biological Processes, Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary Treatment
- Residuals (Sludge) Treatment, Handling & Disposal
- Zero Liquid Discharge
Water Conservation, Reclaim, Reuse and Wastewater Recycle Solutions
- Comprehensive Water Audits
- Process & Utility Focus
- Integrating Chemical, Equipment & Service
Mobile Water Treatment
- Emergency, Temporary, or Long-Term Rental
Water Treatment Chemicals
- Full Range of Organic & Inorganic Chemicals
Case Study - Coffeyville Resources Nitrogen Fertilizers

SERVICES: Comprehensive Water Management
TECHNOLOGY: Mobile Actiflo & Hydrex Chemicals
LOCATION: Coffeyville, Kansas
Coffeyville wanted to develop a more sustainable approach to their water usage so they contracted with Veolia to evaluate their water usage and units of operation. The results of the evaluation lead to a 6-phase Water Conservation, Reclaim and Reuse program to be implemented at the facility. Through this approach, Coffeyville was able to reduce their overall water requirements by 13%, while also reducing the demands on the plant utility infrastructure and overall operational budget.
In addition to water & wastewater treatment, Veolia also provides technologies for in-process and the production of specialty chemicals.
Evaporation & Crystallization
Veolia's HPD® Evaporation and Crystallization systems concentrate dilute process streams to extract high-purity crystalline chemicals while recovering clean water and other valuable by-products from waste brine.
Specialty Chemical Production
Veolia's HPD® Evaporation and Crystallization technologies produce specialty water-soluble chemicals such as multi-nutrient fertilizers and crystalline crop-protection applications.
Veolia combines innovative technology with industry experience to provide economical and effective filtration and separation technologies.

Case Study - Alkim Alkali Kimya A.S.

Technology: HPD® Crystallization System
Location: Turkey
Alkim's facility is designed to produce 120,000 tpa (tons per annum) of refined sodium sulfate. The process begins with solution-mined Glauberite from natural deposits that are converted to Glauber’s Salt as the first purification step. This is accomplished in a four-effect, HPD forced circulation crystallization system, also provided by Veolia. The Glauber’s Salt is then transferred to a melter, which produces a slurry as feed to the crystallization system. This slurry is then re-crystallized and sent to the solids handling system as the final step. The end product is anhydrous sodium sulfate that meets stringent quality requirements for both purity and crystal size to Alkim standards.
Veolia's more than 350 patented technologies provide innovative solutions to help the chemical processing industry succeed in meeting strict regulatory requirements and optimize water usage throughout the facility.

Actiflo® High-Rate Clarifier/Softener
Small-footprint technology in which water is flocculated with microsand and polymer to increase settling velocity for the removal of more than 99% of TSS.
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Hydrotech™ Drumfilters & Discfilters
Filtration technology that uses woven media panels to remove suspended solids > than 10 microns
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HPD® Evaporation & Crystallization
Evaporation and crystallization technologies to recover valuable products and byproducts.
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Multiflo® High-Rate Softener
Proprietary softening process that incorporates chemical precipitation with sludge thickening to produce an effluent with low concentrations of scale-formers and a highly concentrated sludge that can be easily dewatered.
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AnoxKaldnes™ MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor)
High-performance aerobic wastewater treatment technology engineered to effectively remove nitrogen and BOD/COD
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Reverse Osmosis Systems
Advanced membrane based water filtration systems engineered to create a high quality permeate
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Ion Exchange Systems
Flexible and automated water treatment systems used to soften, dealkalize, deionize, or demineralize water for utility or process applications
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Meet Our Team

Phil Stanga
Director of Business Development
Dayton, OH

Don Boudreau
Sales Manager, HPD Evaporation & Crystallization
Chicago, IL

Dave Oliphant
VP of Business Development - Heavy Industry

Albert Low
VP of Sales, Whittier Filtration
Los Angeles, CA