Veolia Water Technologies provides clients with mobile water solutions utilizing the Actiflo Turbo high-rate mobile clarification technology. With more than 800 references around the world, the Actiflo technology has been in use for municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment for more than 20 years.
Veolia Water Technologies' Mobile Water Services utilizes Actiflo® TURBO ballasted clarification technology balanced with high-performance Hydrex™ chemistries and field services to address emergency, temporary, or supplement water and wastewater treatment needs to our customers. Our mobile water services offering may be a stand-alone mobile equipment rental or a complete and integrated service.
About Veolia's Actiflo Rental Clarifier Technology
Actiflo provides industrial users with the ability to generate high volumes of high-quality effluent, utilizing a very small footprint design that requires only a fraction of the space required by typical water pre-clarification or wastewater treatment clarification technology. By mobilizing Actiflo Turbo, you are able to realize the benefits of this proprietary technology and the solutions to your purified water needs are simply just down the road.
Actiflo TURBO mobile clarifier applications include physical & chemical separation for total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, hardness, metals, color, and organics removal. Actiflo TURBO has continued to provide the highest flow and highest performance in the rental clarifier marketplace, treating 0.5 – 2 MGD per trailer. Veolia has utilized Actiflo to treat a variety of applications from river water treatment, to mining & metals wastewater, secondary clarification of biologically treated wastewater with high MLSS, stormwater, and miscellaneous waste ponds, plus many more applications.
Mobile Water Services Key Contact Information:
USA Contact Info
Michael Reyes
Ph: +1 704-650-0881 - Email
Canada Contact Info
David Oliphant
Ph: +1 519-501-1046 - Email

The Challenge
The Client had tried in the past several other technologies such as conventional clarification, DAF & compressible sponge-like media filters, developed by Veolia’s competition with no satisfying result.
It led the Client to first contract Veolia for a four week pilot demonstration of the high-rate, sand ballasted clarification process, ACTIFLO®, to demonstrate the overall system performance with regards to the desired effluent quality (TSS <30 mg/l and/or < 20 NTU with inlet of 100 – 1000 mg/l TSS and particles distribution of 0.5 – 10 micron in inlet ) and to confirm full-scale design parameters.
A year later the client experienced a significant rainfall. They had 13 inches in a month compared to their average of 4 inches which caused the level in the coal pile runoff pond, usually maintained by evaporation rates, to rise up to the spillway.
The Solution
The Client contracted Veolia for the rental of a mobile ACTIFLO® TURBO clarification trailer (capable of 1200+ GPM) coupled with Hydrex™ chemicals. Veolia was also awarded an operations contract, offering the Client a hands-off approach.
Key to the overall success of the project, Hydrex™ chemicals supplied a blend of two coagulants and a flocculant / polymer needed with the microsand.
Veolia treated over 50 million gallons of water in clarification mode; at instantaneous flows of 500 – 1000 GPM. The pilot indicated rise rates > 40 GPM/ ft2 were achievable; however, in the full-scale, the client did not have a feed pump big enough to provide more than 30 GPM/ ft2 ~ 1000 GPM.
The cost of treatment using a mobile ACTIFLO® clarifier rental, Hydrex™ chemicals and the operations, was similar to typical sewer rates in the US.
When should I rent a mobile clarifier?
When should I rent a mobile clarifier?
Some typical situations when renting a mobile clarifier may be useful include:
Construction sites - Mobile clarifiers are often used on construction sites to treat water runoff and remove sediment before discharging the water. This helps meet environmental regulations.
Mining operations - Mines use mobile clarifiers to remove solids from process water or runoff water before discharge or reuse.
Emergency situations - If a municipal water treatment plant or industrial facility has an equipment failure, a temporary mobile clarifier can be rented to provide interim water treatment.
Remote sites - For operations in remote areas without permanent water treatment infrastructure, renting mobile clarifiers provides a portable solution.
Seasonal needs - Some industries may need extra water treatment capacity only during certain peak seasons and can rent clarifiers temporarily.
Pilot testing - Renting allows testing of a mobile clarifier unit before purchasing equipment permanently.
The main reasons to rent versus buy are for short-term, temporary or emergency water treatment needs when it doesn't make sense to invest in a permanent installation. Mobile clarifiers are self-contained units that can be transported to the site as required.