With groundwater supplies under enormous pressure as the population increases and our weather patterns change, water scarcity is a growing global crisis. We help our customers from pharmaceutical to microelectronics industries secure their operations by facilitating resource recovery and reuse. Elsewhere, we design municipal and industrial solutions with ecology at the core, and optimize processes to help ensure resilience.

Known as the Jourdain Program, it is a pioneering effort not only in France but in all of Europe to reuse treated wastewater for indirect drinking water production, responding to the region's water scarcity issues during summer months. The plan is to save and regenerate resources and replenish the Jaunay reservoir with treated reclaimed water from Les Sables d’Olonne's wastewater treatment plants. This program aims to secure two million cubic meters of drinking water for the people of Vendée by recreating the water cycle in a controlled manner. Construction of the Jourdain refining unit began in 2021, and testing began in 2023, with full production scheduled for 2026.