American Biogas Council Information Resource Page - WW

Experienced in Wastewater Technologies, Process Design and Project Execution

The in-house expertise of Veolia provides robust project execution for Veolia that is customer-focused and committed to identifying cost-effective solutions for wastewater treatment. Our projects typically begin with an evaluation of the problem to develop viable alternatives based on process knowledge, site-specific conditions,  and innovative technologies.

Hershey CS 1

Primary Treatment

Goal: Screening, Equalization, pH Control

• Lift stations
• Screening
• Equalization & pH Control
• Dissolved Air Flotation
• Temperature Control

Secondary Treatment

Goal: BOD/COD, Nitrogen, Phosphorus Removal

  • Anaerobic Biological Treatment
  • Aerobic Biological Treatment

Biogas Handling/Cleaning

Goal: Prepare Biogas to be Utilized as Renewable Energy

  • Desulfurization
  • Combined Heat & Power Generation
  • Biogas Storage
  • Membrane Filtration
  • Flare Systems


Goal: Fine TSS & Phosphorus Removal

  • Clarification
  • Filtration
  • Dissolved Air Flotation

Water Reuse

Goal: Create high purity water for safe reuse


  • Ultrafiltration

  • Reverse Osmosis

  • Disinfection

Sludge Handling

Goal: Waste Sludge Concentration

  • Thickening

  • Dewatering 

  • Drying

Wastewater treatment is becoming a challenging area for food and beverage manufacturers. Risks from sewer discharge violation notices and increased sewer surcharge costs are causing a strain on operational performance.

This webinar will cover these issues and discuss the various technologies available to help companies succeed in their wastewater treatment challenges.

Other Resources

Efficient biological wastewater treatment to reduce BOD/COD, and produce biogas as a renewable energy source.
Sulfothane is a low OPEX highly effective desulfurization technology to clean biogas for valorization.
Browse our extensive library of on-demand technical webinar resources to increase your knowledge.
Removing nutrients can help organizations meet their discharge limits and protect the environment from dangerous contaminants.