A Thermal, Modular Wastewater Treatment System
Evaporation is an effective and reliable method to treat wastewaters that contain relatively high concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS).
Veolia Water Technologies offers a standard brine concentrator system as an ideal solution that not only effectively treats high TDS wastewater, but also manages the subsequent mixed salts. Utilizing Veolia’s HPD® thermal evaporation technology, it is a proven and cost-effective solution to the high cost and long-term liabilities associated with multiple ponds or deepwell injection.
Brine Concentrator System Description
The system is based on HPD® Falling Film Evaporation Crystallization technology to treat a variety of waste streams followed by management of waste brines for disposal (as a concentrated or solid waste brine).
This Brine Concentrator System can be supplied as a modular, skidded system and designed to treat feed from RO reject, ponds, or untreated brines without complex pretreatment:
- Veolia Brine Concentrator System offered at six different capacities
- High-efficiency, Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR) driven
- Process designed with seed recycle system to prevent and resist scaling
- Materials of construction minimizes corrosion
- Used for volume reduction or Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
Benefits & Features of the Brine Concentrator System
Environmental Performance
- Water recovery up to 99%
- High-purity recovered water suitable for reuse, discharge, or aquifer reinjection
- Produces a concentrated brine which can be sent to evaporation ponds or ZLD crystallizer
Modular Design
- Rapid deployment to site
- Shippable by standard, over-the-road transport
- Small footprint
- Pond volume reduction
- Evaporator blowdown treatment
- Pilot well testing
- Zero Liquid Waste (ZLW) requirements
The Brine Concentrator System is designed as a modular and skidded system that can be shipped by over-the-road transport. This allows rapid deployment to site while reducing overall installation costs. The tables below outline the content of each module and skid as well as associated equipment supplied for the system.