The GEM, the 2nd Generation DAF

Are you looking for the perfect wastewater clarification system that reduces sludge and OPEX cost?
Too often, the performance of a DAF is only associated with removal rates on TSS and FOG. In reality, the most important performance of a DAF is the volume of sludge it produces. However, many facilities underestimate the cost associated with sludge disposal. In many cases, this cost is the most expensive part of DAF ownership. The GEM revolutionizes the DAF market by applying well-proven physico-chemical concepts to increase pollutants removal rates and to produce sludge up to 8 times thicker than conventional DAFs.
You want to know more about the GEM revolution or you want to test it on your wastewater, contact us!
If you want to discuss a specific project or perform a lab test or a pilot test, don't hesitate to contact us!
Key Figures and Facts
Up to 8 times less sludge
2 to 3 times smaller footprint
Improved effluent quality
350+ installations worldwide
Lab test and onsite piloting available
On-Demand Webinar
Watch our on-demand webinar and learn how our GEM can help F&B companies in reducing sludge disposal costs
"Maximizing TSS and FOG Removal while Reducing Associated Sludge Disposal Costs Using the Unique GEM Flotation-Thickening System"