Veolia Water Technologies provides clients with mobile water solutions utilizing the Hydrotech Discfilter technology.
Veolia Water Technologies' Mobile Water Services utilizes Hydrotech disc filter technology balanced with high-performance Hydrex™ chemistries and field services to address emergency, temporary, or supplement water and wastewater treatment needs to our customers. Our mobile water services offering may be a stand-alone mobile equipment rental or a complete and integrated service.
Mobile Water Services Key Contact Information:
USA Contact Info
Michael Reyes
Ph: +1 704-650-0881 - Email
Canada Contact Info
David Oliphant
Ph: +1 519-501-1046 - Email
About Veolia's Discfilter Rental Technology

The Hydrotech Discfilter is a woven media filter for fine solids removal and product recovery. The mobile Discfilter offers a large filter area in a small footprint. The compact design of the Discfilter makes this system a good choice for recirculation systems, effluent polishing of wastewater, fine filtration of intake water or other applications where a space-saving filter with fine filter openings and larger filter area is required.
In normal operation, the Discfilter is approximately 60% submerged and the head loss across the filter media varies between 50 and 200mm. Maximum allowable head loss with the filter in operation is 33mm. Backwash and rotation can be continuous or controlled by an automatic control system.
The modular filter panels consist of woven polyester filter media. The structure of the Discfilter is as standard fabricated of 304 or 316L stainless steel. For extremely corrosive environments, it can also be made of special alloys.
Flexibility is key for the Hydrotech Discfilter. The patented design of the panels means that replacement requires minimum service and downtime. If there is a charge in operating or performance needs, the design also accommodates an easy switch to a filter media with a different size opening.
Hydrotech Discfilter Technology
How do Veolia's discfilters work?
How do Veolia's discfilters work?

The water to be treated flows by gravity into the filter segment from the center drum. Solids accumulate on the inside of the filter panels mounted on the two sides of the disc segments.
As the solids accumulate on the inside of the filter media, the flow of water through the disc is impeded. The water level inside of the discs begins to rise and a level sensor is triggered to start the drum rotation and backwash cycle.
A high pressure rinse removes the accumulated solids from the filter media and into the solids collection trough. Typically the backwash requirement is 1 to 2% of the total flow. Solids are intermittently pumped from the bottom of the trough.
What types of applications are ideal for mobile filtration?
What types of applications are ideal for mobile filtration?
Mobile disc filters can do applications similar to multimedia filters (MMF) and sand filters (pressure or gravity) for tower sidestream, tertiary filtration, phosphorus reduction, or intake filtration (with or without coagulation / flocculation). They can handle a much higher TSS loading than media filters, are easier to clean, consume less energy and backwash water, and have a smaller footprint.