Veolia Water Technologies, a subsidiary of the Veolia group, is a leading provider of water, wastewater, and biosolids treatment solutions for both industrial customers and municipalities.
We leverage world-renowned technologies and expertise to offer comprehensive services, including the design and engineering of treatment facilities.
Our goal is to ensure the sustainable management of water resources, protect the environment, and enhance resource efficiency, all while actively contributing to an Ecological Transformation.
Actiflo® High-Rate Clarifier/Softener

High-rate ballasted clarification process, that reduces construction costs, while providing proven performance for enhanced removal of TSS, BOD, TP, and metals.
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Actina Pellet Softening

Pellet reactor process tailored to municipal drinking water softening by reducing calcium hardness.
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ANITA Mox Deammonification

Specialized biological process to treat wastewater streams that have high concentrations of ammonia.
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AnoxKaldnes IFAS & MBBR

Biological process excellent for ammonia and total nitrogen limits, utilizing specialized polyethylene carriers (AnoxK™5 media) to create a large protected surface on which biofilm can attach.
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BioCon Thermal Dryer

Dual-belt convective air dryer for sludge is designed to be one of the safest on the market.
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Hydrotech Discfilter
Ideal for tertiary filtration, primary treatment, phosphorus removal, and for existing filter replacement such as traveling bridge filter retrofit projects.
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BioDenitro Phased Isolation

The process reduces to a minimum the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater in addition to significantly reducing organic matter (BOD), ammonia and suspended solids.
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BioMectan Grit Removal

Combines the hydro-dynamic and vortex separator features to provide advanced grit capture performances of 95% of all particles down to 200 Mesh (75 microns), based on grit with 2.65 S.G.
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Technology able to eliminate all pollution, both organic (COD and BOD), nitrogenous (N-NH4 and N-NO3) and particulate compounds (TSS).
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Cella Biofilm Technology

Cella offers an advancement from the Moving-Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) technology, utilizing a new bio-based carrier. It retains all the advantages of MBBR, including comopactness, robustness, and flexibility, while also introducing several unique benefits such as an all-in-one solution, offering efficiency and sustainability, as well as being simple and cost effective.
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Ecosim™ Onsite Biological Treatment

Ecosim™ is an efficient combination of Ecodisk™ and the AnoxKaldnes™ MBBR. Ecosim uses the rotational movement of the drum and well designed orifices to passively aerate the system while continuously allowing treated water to flow downstream.
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Ecrusor™ Depackaging

Food depackaging and organics recovery process ideal for preparing source-separated organics, landfill-diverted organics, and other biodegradable wastes for energy generation.
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Biobed EGSB/UASB Anaerobic Treatment

Extremely compact, high-performance anaerobic treatment process for industrial effluents using granular sludge.
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Escalator Fine Screen

Perforated stainless steel screen panels are carried on heavy-duty chains and incorporate holes of 6 mm (1/4'') or 3 mm (1/8'') diameter giving fine screening in any direction.
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Hydrex for PFAS Treatment

With a collection of small flow (1 gpm or less) carbon and ion exchange column testing skids, Veolia can quickly provide a testing skid along with carbon and resin media to help determine the most cost-effective treatment approach.
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Sulfothane Biogas Utilization

Process consisting of two steps to remove sulfur from biogas. First it resembles a chemical alkaline scrubber for H2S. Second the alkaline solution is continuously regenerated in a biological process using aerobic sulfur bacteria.
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Technology Spotlight & In-Booth Sessions
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Workshops & Technical Sessions
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